
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Grandad's hands

I don't know about you, but sometimes I see a person who resembles somebody that I've known, loved and cherished.

Today and yesterday myself and a group of work colleagues were in Wellington on business. This afternoon we sat in our hotel (having a coffee and discussing the days antics), waiting for the van to drop us all at the airport to come home.

There was an elderly gentleman on my left who must've been in his eighties, sitting quietly, drinking a tomato juice. It's funny what hits you between the eyes sometimes, but I looked at his hands... He had these handsome long fingers, which had probably seen many a day of hard work - the skin covering his bones was paper thin, and it reminded me of my Grandad's hands. Those precious hands that I had held so many times whilst caring for him at my parents and aunties place, and more recently, during the final weeks of his life-well-lived.

It reminds me to cherish those that we love. Take the time to compliment people, smile at toddlers and mothers, and don't ever be afraid to hold the hands of the elderly. To be a comfort to those heroes whose wives and friends have long past.  Those are the moments that count.

This is a simple post - one without pictures and frilly bits - but one with much respect and honour for our heroes who have passed. 

Grandad, I love you...I miss you everyday. xx

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Christmas Delights

Well, I feel the need to add a little somethin' somethin' to the blog! And since it's so jolly cold recently (and Cherry Menlove recently blogged about Christmas crafty bits and pieces) it seems somehow right to be in a Christmassy state of mind (not to mention it's been a hard day, and after an exciting weekend of {d.i.y} I feel the need to cheer myself up.

These pictures are from Christmas 2010 - a crafty type of Christmas

Fairy lights were the name of the game during this Christmas - which always seems like a little bit of a waste of time here in New Zealand! (Don't heckle me for that statement...if you were here, you'd understand...) It's light by about 5.30am, and the sun doesn't properly go down until about 10pm! (Not many waking moments to be able to appreciate the beauty...)

Here, {Henny House} is appropriately adorned with a Santa hat! (Sweet...)

{t.h.i.s.} is really her best side!

Henny House was guarding Christmas presents all wrapped up and ready to send to my nephews in the north island. (I'm quite chuffed with the wrapping paper even now! It was adorned 100% by me, a rubber stamp, and a red stamp pad - and then topped off (literally) with some beautiful ribbon from Femme de Brocante in Rangiora. (They always have such wonderful stock of ribbons and all types of fabric!)

I can't claim the wrapping paper as my own, but nor can I recall where I stole the idea from! Anyway, it is simply done by using plain old brown postage paper, and then stamped in a {regular} pattern (quite a relaxing, rhythmic job really), and then wrap as per usual, and VOILA! The tags were just old cards cut out with my scallop punch. Bless.

Apologies for the blurry photos...but you get the idea :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Slowly does it

Well, I do believe that I have had this blogspot for about 2 years now, and I have been unable to figure out what on earth I'm doing with it.

Partly I want to pay homage to the period of time when I went through a stage when I was endeavouring to create, and was developing a confidence in my design abilities.

Here is a wee picture of my first attempts at anything sewing based. I suppose this is when I first discovered my love for putting different fabrics together, and realised my vision for Peony Cottage - a venture which I thought was going to be an escape from work, perhaps even a home-based business, but what actually just ended to be a VERY.EXPENSIVE.HOBBY. {Sigh} Oh well, on with the story.

Let me introduce you to my next venture, and one that went comparatively better than the above {Henny Houses} (all copyrights and kudos for these beauties lie with Louise Hatchard, and toys created and sold with her blessing).

{Teacup Candles}

As the date stamp on the photo alludes to, this venture began way back in June 2009, and this type of pic is a fine example of how my marketing commenced. Shortly after this, my lovely friend {also a professional photographer...p.h.e.w...} came to my rescue, and produced this, the first of many fine looking Peony Cottage Teacup Candle photos, which would then be attached to the front of every teacup candle box sold:

All of the boxes had their personalised pic attached, so that I knew what was what - and I, for one, thought they looked pretty darned hot. What I loved most about this particular pic, is how she captured how translucent the fine bone china is, and how the candle moulded against the teacup just glows so beautifully.

Not only do I find these teacup candles a glorious source of soft light, but I've begun to quite enjoy the photos as little pieces of art as well. :}

So, even though I am a good three years too late at beginning this blog, at least I'm doing it now. I have A. L.O.T. of work to catch up on!

Bless you.
Erana :}